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My name is Jen

My goal is simply to put smiles on people’s faces, inspire, motivate, be helpful wherever I can and live my life in the most sustainable way possible.

I think it is important to share the message across, stop being quiet and mostly to speak up for what you believe in
I support people who want to be and see a change in this world. We are part of one race and that’s the human race, our aim as a team, is to reach and also help people connect via music and podcast, hopefully reaching a goal which is bringing people closer together as one.

We can all make a difference in this world by having a pure clean heart. Freedom and sharing love is the most important thing the world needs at all time.
Some come be share love and your experiences because everyone’s experience is powerful enough to help the next person going through the same. Let’s come together in solidarity as humans to show love and peace.