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Tag Archives love

Calm yourself

Calm yourself

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Challenges and calmness

This happens for us not to us

This challenging times.
This time is happening for us, not TO US. For me there lies a big different in it. If you are smart enough to get to know yourself better, to check in with yourself, to go deeper. Than you are using this time in the right way. 

[This I am writing very carefully and I mean everyone who is healthy and just are being home to help one and each other]

You are using this for you and in the same time for others – because you are able to use this new given gift, to share it with others. With the one you love. The ones who are not feeling blessed like you are doing. 

Let’s inquire what is truly important to us. Let’s do an inventory of our lives and what people and behaviors do to us. 

Who and what we want to keep, and which do we want to let go of?

Let’s see how fear has chosen our lives in other areas and on the other hand let’s create some love within.

Let’s share those important times and learn yourself.


We can use this time FOR US. 

We learn about ourselves, if we are willing. Let’s explore how our bodies and our minds are feeling.

Let’s get real. Lets be true to ourselves.

So far for me it has been a rollercoaster ride, between the ultimative freedom in my mind and in the same way trying to overcome fear. 

For me love is found in the simplest moments. It can just be a quick eye contact or a laughter. It means so much. The little moments. Because for me life is a combination out of billion small moments. 

Stay calm and find out more about yourself




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Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible

Thats who you really are, let go of any past of you that does not believe it

All because of limiting beliefs. While I will share this little part about myself I am opening up and I will make myself vulnerable.

I just realized that I am holding myself back, sometimes. For a long time now.

But you know what ?!

It is helping me growing right now. So, in the end this post it is just for me but I would like to share it with you. I am limiting myself, I am telling myself stories since I was a kid. I think if something isn’t perfect enough or isn’t finished, I can not start to create. I think I can not start something new until I am perfect. Perfect in knowledge, perfect in wisdom and on top perfect in skills I think I might need for it. Wow, I am making myself super vulnerable by writing this down, but in the same time it feels to get to know myself better and better every single day.

I know now:

There is no perfect. We are all individuals and we are created to become the best version of ourselves but perfect is not existing. Important is to just start, to do the first step, that is why I will start to create now, to finish the unfinished. And to grow in wisdom, knowledge and to create the skills I need to have to become that better version of myself. It is the JOURNEY which makes us stronger and better. It is never just about the destination. In life it is all about appreciation. It is the path which gives us a bigger wisdom on our way to reach our goals. Life in itself is a journey, not a destination. It is a journey full of adventure, discovery and last but not least service to others.




You can meet someone tomorrow, who has better intentions for you than someone you have known forever. Time means nothing.


If someone is not in the game of grow with you, create some space, and let the modeling of your aliveness spark their own heart awake.

One thing I know for certain is : we can not change or choose growth for other people around us. Even if we would like them to grow with us. But we can sure as hell choose it for ourselves. Keep choosing your heart.
LOVE – it always leads to deeper love & a richer life.
We can only invest in ourselves and fill our own cup with all we need to inspire others. We can not poor from an empty cup. We need to take responsibility to our own growth and for me it means invest in myself every day. I want to reach the highest potential this life can offer me, and for me it means to choose my own flow, my own path and my own time.

And if I can give you one advice, it will be : whatever makes you feel uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth.




Trust the timing of your life, it will unfold itself as long as we are start trusting it.
Trust the timing of your life and the unfolding of your story.
Trust that every heartbreak, every tear, every betrayal is here to stretch you.
It will help you to bring you home. Bring you to the place you suppose to be at this specific moment in your life.


Your life is always in your hands.
Even if you think it is not, its always and in all ways your own responsibility.
You are the one making all choices. You own your life.
All you have to do is to decide where to go next.
And trust it.

Trust the timing of your life and the unfolding of your story





Awesome things never comes from comfort zones. Our all life is change, change is the only thing which sticks with us until the end. Change is the only constant in life.

Change will follow us, it will walk with us. Our path we will share with it, it is like a little friend we are holding hands with. The world will change and so are we. The best about change is growth, it is here to help us grow. We are constantly growing if we are willing to let change in and let it guide us through life. I feel this every time and I think it is our best chance to grow while something is changing.

Start to change your thoughts and your whole world will change. Be patient and do it on a daily basis, I needed to learn that baby steps are the most important. Growing into change and be change at the same time. It was one of the most wonderful realizations I ever had and guess what, IT CHANGED MY LIFE.

If we want to see a change we should focus our energy on the new and not on fighting the old.


Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous in the end

-Robin Sharma-





Look, there is a time to give people space to grow and change for love. To change and to become. To find love in the space is one of the keys for a fulfilled life.


A fulfilled life means to know and love yourself enough to share and spread it out into that world. To help each other. To be kind to each other and to love each other. No limits full of love.

A space to heal and to get to know their fears, to move towards love. Space to grow as an individual and space to grow in any kind of relationship. We are human and we need space.

Respect the space between no longer and not yet.




Do what they say is impossible.

…because if you can dream of it, you can make it. It will always find a way into your life, as long as you want it  enough. If it is for you, it will manifest itself into your reality. We are making ourselves so small without even knowing that we are capable of. We can reach any goal in our life.

Dream it. Feel it. Live it.

“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not”

– Pablo Picasso-

We are all magnetic, we always will attract what we need to grow or what we need to learn into our life with our thoughts, words, actions and feelings. That is the law of attraction; it always works for us.

Life happens for us and not to us. Learn to use this knowledge on a daily basis. And, YES, once we deeply understand it, life becomes much easier.

Whenever you are reading this I want to make sure that you are starting to believe in yourself and that you know that anything is possible as long as you keep working for your dreams.





Knowing your own power is what creates humility.


Be powerful

Not knowing your power creates insecurity.

We are always in charge of our own power, the only challenge in daily life is to re-connect with it and to be fully aware of it in the present moment. To use it as our strength to go through all daily and unknown adventures. We are all spiritual beings with a human body and once we do understand that fact, life becomes so much more easy and smooth. Everything happens at the exact right time. Spirituality is not about a believe system and it has no rules, it is being connected fully. You will be amazed at how things fall magically into place once you let go of the illusion of control. Let go of it. Feel the present moment and the divine will show you, your way. Your own way. Never forget : no one is you and that is your power.

Intuition is real. Vibes are real. Energy does not lie. Your power is real.

Use it and tune in.




Music is the power you can express deeper feelings.

The power of a rooted and deep friendship.

Through music I found a deep friendship. A very special connection between worlds. Between cultures. Between an ocean. A world in us. Our own world.

Connection isn’t about the land we are living in. It’s about instant recognition on an subconscious level. Our Souls are connected on a deeper level. Always and in all ways.

Finding someone you really connect with is nothing short of a miracle. You keep it safe and love it unconditionally. Our love and care. Our unity makes us one family.

Faith. Unity. Onelove. Love. Care.


Thank you for all the years

