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Tag Archives Vulnerability



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Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible

Thats who you really are, let go of any past of you that does not believe it

All because of limiting beliefs. While I will share this little part about myself I am opening up and I will make myself vulnerable.

I just realized that I am holding myself back, sometimes. For a long time now.

But you know what ?!

It is helping me growing right now. So, in the end this post it is just for me but I would like to share it with you. I am limiting myself, I am telling myself stories since I was a kid. I think if something isn’t perfect enough or isn’t finished, I can not start to create. I think I can not start something new until I am perfect. Perfect in knowledge, perfect in wisdom and on top perfect in skills I think I might need for it. Wow, I am making myself super vulnerable by writing this down, but in the same time it feels to get to know myself better and better every single day.

I know now:

There is no perfect. We are all individuals and we are created to become the best version of ourselves but perfect is not existing. Important is to just start, to do the first step, that is why I will start to create now, to finish the unfinished. And to grow in wisdom, knowledge and to create the skills I need to have to become that better version of myself. It is the JOURNEY which makes us stronger and better. It is never just about the destination. In life it is all about appreciation. It is the path which gives us a bigger wisdom on our way to reach our goals. Life in itself is a journey, not a destination. It is a journey full of adventure, discovery and last but not least service to others.
